Sunday, February 28, 2010

Next meeting [06/03/2010]

Salam All,

Please be informed that the next meeting will be held as follows:

Date : 6.3.2010 (Saturday)
Time : 2 pm - 3 pm
Venue: BK20 (Faculty of Dentistry)

Attendance is COMPULSORY for all committee members and Head of Bureaus.

Thank you for your kind attention and cooperation.

Zarirah Zamakhsari
On behalf of En Burhan

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Blog Update

Salam and hi all,

To all bureaus, if you have any updates that you would like to announce or inform to the rest of the members on the SYS702 blog, kindly email your content to Iza, and Shadni, so that we can help you to post up your latest updates. We will ensure that your information or announcement will be updated as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Facebook Group

Dear all,

Please click HERE to join and support our event in Facebook

Thank you.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

T-shirt #7 final design

T-shirt #7 - added 'FKSM Carnival ICT 2010' with UiTM Logo

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sponsorship Prospectus

Proposal Prospectus (Revised)


To New joiners for the Sponsor Team :-

Kindly contact our leader to get the latest info and division of task. Really appreciate of your cooperation for the success of this event.

Thank you.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sponsor List

Below is the status of company that we're already and going to circulate the sponsorship letter.
1. Sime Darby - emailed and follow up by mail
2. Mofaz Group - mailed and waiting for feedback
3. MCMC - emailed and follow up by mail
4. MOSTI - mailed and waiting for feedback
5. Lunax Box (P1Wimax reseller)- emailed and waiting for feedback
6. DIGI - emailed and waiting for feedback
7. TM - waiting for contact details -emailed and waiting for feedback
8. IBM - in progress
9. VADS - in progress
10.KPMG - in progress
11.Symphony - in progress
12.PetroSains - in progress
13.Maxis - in progress
14.Celcom - in progress
15.UMobile - in progress
16.Green Packet - in progress
17.Air Asia - in progress
18.Fire Flyz - in progress
19.Sapura - in progress
20.Alumni UiTM - in progress
21.Puncak Niaga - in progress
22.Mesiniaga - in progress
23.Nestle - in progress
24. Astro - in progress
25. Lenovo - waiting for contact details
26. Dell - waiting for contact details
27. Panasonic Malaysia - emailed and waiting for feedback
28. - emailed and waiting for feedback
29. - emailed and waiting for feedback

To others, please feel free to provide us the contact of the potential organisation that may provide us with sponsorship. Would really appreciate any information or assistance you can offer.Till then...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010

IS & IT Going Green Carnival @ UiTM

“IS and IT Going Green”

25.3.2010 (Thursday)
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Dewan Al-Ghazalee, FKSM UiTM

FCMS ICT Carnival 2010 is organized in order to fulfill the requirements for Master in Science: Information Technology Postgraduate Program (CS770) for the course subject SYS702 – Problem Solving Formalisms in IT. The theme for this program is “IS and IT Going Green”.

This proposal is prepared for applying sponsor materials and financial fund from the organizations and companies that are interested in to support this carnival.

3.Event Information

FCMS ICT Carnival 2010 is a academic event as it needs to fulfill the requirements for Master in Science: Information Technology Postgraduate Program (CS770) for the course SYS702 – Problem Solving Formalisms for IT. Every postgraduate student (full time and part time) is responsible to organize this event on the date set which is 25th March 2010. In addition, the students will be expose to various aspects of problem solving methods while conducting the event. This proposal is important to facilitate the operations for the event especially on the financial aspect and involvement of all parties with the aim of making this event successful.

b)Event Objective
i.Create awareness to the meaning and importance of ”IS and IT Going Green” and also cultivating individuals and organization towards the same direction.
ii.Students are able to produce creative and innovative ideas in addition to gain experience in organizing an event.
iii.Providing experience to the students in problem solving techniques while conducting the event.
iv.Challenging the students to coordinate an event in a ’carnival manner’ and learning to practice soft skills while organizing the event.

i.First Semester students have to organize FCMS ICT Carnival 2010 event in order to fulfill the requirements for Master in Science: Information Technology Postgraduate Program (CS770) for the course SYS702 – Problem Solving Formalisms for IT.
ii.The FCMS ICT Carnival 2010 will be one of the academic activities in UiTM 2010 Calendar.
iii.The theme “IS and IT Going Green” will give positive impact to the visitors, participants and students that attend with the cooperation from organizations involved such as MIMOS, Microsoft, HP, Intel, Microsoft and others with the aim to achieve the event’s objective.
iii.Students will gain experience while conducting the event and obtain useful information regarding ICT.

4.Event Details

a)Target Audience:
•UiTM students
•Public and private university students (around Selangor and KL)
•High schools students (around Shah Alam)
•Public and Private Sectors

b)Carnival Participants:
Involvement during talk and exhibition which consists of:

i.Education on “IS and IT Going Green” in IT and Telecommunication field
ii.Career opportunities in IT and Telecommunication field
ii.Latest evolution in IT and Telecommunication

Date : 25th March 2010 (Thursday)
Time : 8.00 a.m – 5.00 p.m
Venue : Dewan Al-Ghazalee,
Faculty of Computer & Mathematical Sciences

Expectantly this FCMS ICT Carnival 2010 will achieve the objectives of programme and coursework. Besides, it will interact more student to organize the academic event in future. It is important to has a strong support between all parties especially from Faculty of Computer & Mathematical Sciences and all the contributors to ensure that this event running successful.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Tentative Program

“IT and IS Going Green”
25.3.2010 (Thursday)
8:00 a.m- 5:00 p.m
Dewan Al-Ghazalee, FCMS UiTM

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Speaker for Event

Speaker 1 :
Title of Presentation : Promoting Green IT
Dr. Mohamed Ridza bin Wahiddin
Head of Information Security Cluster
MIMOS Berhad

Dr. Mohamed Ridza bin Wahiddin obtained his B.Sc. (Hon), M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from UMIST, UK in Physics. Upon completion of his Ph.D., he returned to Malaysia in August 1989 and took on a lecturer position at the University of Malaya. For his outstanding pioneering work in quantum optics in Malaysia, he was awarded the 1994 National Young Scientist Award (Strategic) by the Malaysia Ministry of Science, Technology & Environment.

In 2001, Dr. Mohamed Ridza left the University of Malaya to join the new Faculty of Science at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Gombak. He was the Deputy Dean (Academic Affairs) of the Faculty of Science from 2002-2004, and also the Deputy Dean (Academic Affairs) at the Centre of Postgraduate Studies from 2004-2005. In 2004, UMIST awarded Dr. Mohamed Ridza the higher Doctorate degree of Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) for his contributions to the advancement of knowledge in the field of Quantum Optics.

Presently, he is the Head of the Information Security Cluster at MIMOS BERHAD, a Malaysian government research institute focused on ICT and microelectronics and an IIUM Senate member. Dr. Ridza has delivered presentations by request at several local and overseas conferences, has seven patents on file and has co-authored three scientific books, published by the IIUM Research Centre. He was named “MIMOS Best Innovator” for 2007. He is also the Managing Editor of the Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences Journal, published by Dixie W Publishing Corporation.

Speaker 2:
Title of Presentation : Cloud computing and Green IT
Dr. Dzaharudin Mansor
National Technology Officer, Microsoft Malaysia
Dr.Dzaharurdin Mansor is Microsoft National Technology Officer covering South East Asia based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Dr. Dzahar received his Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Systems Engineering) from Monash University, Australia, and completed his PhD (Computer Science) at La Trobe University, Australia. Dr Dzahar joined Microsoft in August 2005 and has more than 21 years of professional experience in ICT and telecommunications domain. During the early stage of his career, he has lectured at the department of Computer Science, La Trobe University and later on joined Telecom Australia Research Laboratories (now called Telstra Research Laboratories) as a research engineer. On returning to Malaysia, he was appointed as the R&D manager at Celcom (a major telecommunications company) and left the company as the Vice President for R&D and IT divisions. He subsequently worked at HP in Singapore, Vsource (M) Sdn. Bhd. (a business outsourcing company) and Object Innovations (M) Sdn. Bhd. in R&D, operations as well as leadership positions.

He also presently holds several associate positions including as an associate member of the Senior Management team at the Malaysia Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) and academic advisor in five public Universities (UTM, UPM, UIA, UUM and KUSZA).

Dr. Dzahar’s areas of expertise include software engineering and architecture, object oriented technologies, telecommunications (network architecture, protocols and business support systems), e-business systems (EAI, ERP, CRM, BI) as well as business process engineering.